Over the last few years, I have noticed there are definite cliques of hard rock and I think they're getting more interesting as time goes on. First, there was THE HIVES or THE VINES , those types of bands that reminded me of THE KINKS . Real stripped down, not out of control. Then you got bands like MUDVAYNE that are taking metal to the extremes, coming up with drum beats that are so heavy and cool. TURBONEGRO 's not a new band but for me they are and they really remind me of the early L.A. GUNS , just a lot of high-energy rock 'n' roll. Actually, I like a lot of bands that come from that part of the world. REFUSED , they're a Swedish band and they're really extreme. I wish it was more commercial. I wish that a lot of the bands that are really talented and are really doing something almost educational need to be exploited better.
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