Människor är dramatiskt övermodiga när det gäller sina bedömningar av andra. (people are drastically overconfident about their judgement of others)
People are drastically overconfident about their judgments of others.
Momänonnonisoskokoror äror dodroramomatotisoskoktot övoverormomododigoga nonäror dodetot gogälolloleror sosinona bobedodömomnoninongogaror avov anondodrora. (people are drastically overconfident about their judgement of others)
ardna va ragninm¶Ãdeb anis rell¤Ãg ted r¤Ãn agidomrev¶Ã tksitamard r¤Ã roksinn¤ÃM. (people are drastically overconfident about their judgement of others)
mNniskor R dramatiskt övRmodiga nR Dt gällR sina Bdömningar av andra. (people are drastically overconfident about their judgement of others)