Every three to four hours is a normal voiding interval. Most women should be able to sleep through the night without having to go to the bathroom. |
Forty percent are cured and 50 percent are significantly improved. The other 10 percent have issues beyond the scope of physical therapy. |
It governs their lives. They worry about how long they'll be out. |
It starts as a minor inconvenience, but can determine the quality of life. It's a huge quality-of-life issue. |
It's usually the last straw for families caring for an elderly person. |
The urge is only a message to the brain that the bladder is getting full. You should be able to choose when you empty it. |
Therapy should be the first course of treatment. |
What adult wants to admit to bladder-control problems? Yet researchers estimate that 1 out of 4 women over 18 have some bladder-control issue. |