The administration is committed to sound smart growth policies and provisions are in place to reinforce this important priority. |
The attorney general, through her immediate and full review of all SCC contracts, she will -- pending her findings -- be able to commence legal proceedings to recover state funds dispersed due to overcharging, design errors or other circumstances where the SCC has the right to seek recovery. |
The chamber trip serves as an opportunity for the governor to reiterate his commitment to growing New Jersey's economy. He understands that to solve the state's financial troubles we must not only cut spending but also attract private-sector investment. |
The focus is on reducing expenditures. |
The governor appreciates Speaker Roberts' leadership and his efforts to identify potential spending cuts. |
The governor believes deeply in UMDNJ, its people and its mission. And he supports the monitor's efforts to root out and clean up any and all acts of wrongdoing at this great institution. |
The governor believes the child welfare system is in a state of crisis and that we should move quickly to address any and all impediments to reform. |
The governor has been clear and consistent in his support for these important programs. We're talking about issues that change people's lives. |
The governor has said he will not balance the state budget on the backs of government workers, but he has also said that all across the state, families are doing more with less and they expect their government to do the same. Faced with a $6 billion deficit, we don't have a choice. |
The governor has said his focus is on reducing expenditures. Right now, the treasurer and members of his staff are scrubbing the budget, trying to find out places where we can save money. |
The governor is allowing department heads to make out their own batting order, and he supports their own decisions. |
The governor is committed to the rebate program, and he is committed to doing anything he can do in the current fiscal situation. |
The governor realizes the tremendous burden property taxes have placed on families across the state. We are preparing the budget with that in mind. |
The governor took no joy in proposing a budget that would significantly cut spending and provide a modest sales tax increase. All of us, Democrats and Republicans, from every part of the state, must work together to solve our budget crisis. |
The remarks are insensitive and intemperate. The governor has spoken to Mayor James, and he is reviewing the situation. |