Such commands are fundamentally incompatible with our constitutional system of dual sovereignty. |
that reliability be assessed in a particular manner: by testing in the crucible of cross-examination. |
that the jury is not. |
the Constitution's refusal to 'deny or disparage' other rights is far removed from affirming any one of them, and even farther removed from authorizing judges to identify what they might be, and to enforce the judges' list against laws duly enacted by the people. |
The counting of votes that are of questionable legality does in my view threaten irreparable harm to [Bush], and to the country, by casting a cloud upon what he claims to be the legitimacy of his election, ... Count first, and rule upon legality afterward, is not a recipe for producing election results that have the public acceptance democratic stability requires. |
The Court today completes the process of converting [Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964] from a guarantee that race or sex will not be the basis for often will. |
The federal government may neither issue directives requiring the states to address particular problems, nor command the states' officers, or those of their political subdivisions, to administer or enforce a federal regulatory program, |
The First Amendment has not repealed the ancient rule of life, that he who pays the piper calls the tune, |
The first instinct of power is the retention of power, and under a Constitution that requires periodic elections, that is best achieved by the suppression of election-time speech, |
The honor would have been wonderful. |
the interest of the overwhelming majority of religious believers in being able to give God thanks and supplication as a people, and with respect to our national endeavors. |
The line between protected pornography and unprotected obscenity lies between appealing to a good healthy interest in sex and appealing to a depraved interest, whatever that means, |
The LSC subsidy neither prevents anyone from speaking nor coerces anyone to change speech, |
The LSC subsidy neither prevents anyone from speaking nor coerces anyone to change speech. |
then everything becomes an obtaining of property. |