If I fall at their Feet, then I live; associating with those humble beings, I remain happy. |
If only he had known the truth, all that grief could have been avoided. So too, until you know that all are altars where the name God is installed and all are moved and motivated by the Grace of the self-same God, you are afflicted by hate and pride; once you know it and experience it, you are full of Love and reverence to all. |
If our thoughts, actions and deeds are pure then we are automatically blessed with added benefits like good health, strength, long life and most importantly benediction. Therefore we should try to keep ourselves pure and chaste. |
If there is difference of opinion between husband and wife then household chores will become impossible to accomplish. To avoid this the relationship between husband and wife should be cordial and loving. |
If they have come on as citadels of the gods, if they have constituted an inspired charm as their armour, if they have gathered courage through the protections for the body and the bulwarks which they have made, render all that devoid of force! |
If we are good to people then we are reciprocated in the same manner but if we are bad to them then we will most obviously be paid in the same coin. |
If you have known Me through and through there will be no such argument at all. You will know that this is but an insignificant product of My power. I have done this only as an example; unless those who lead are themselves active and earnest to bend and bear the burden, all those who are encouraged to follow will lose heart and miss the way. |
If you too keep your senses and your wishes in check, you will gain by listening to these talks and by this visit; and I will be happy that you have taken to the path that will give you real strength and joy. |
If your wish is fulfilled, you revere Me; if it is not, you revile Me. That is how Desire debases you. |
If, what is learned is not put into practice, the student is like a cow that does not yield milk; a fruit lacking in taste, a book bereft of wisdom. |
Illumination is the purpose of life; of the recurring sequence of birth and death. |
In doubt and emotional attachment, this person understands nothing; with this leash, these feet are tied up. |
IN every country today, men have become power-mad and they resort, without any compunction, to self praise and dry declamation. They develop hatred against others, foster envy and feed their fatal egos. They plunge the Society to which they belong into fear, anxiety and disorder. They do not know, that if elevating ideals are adhered to and practiced, they could gain eternal fame; instead they are content with cheap applause and short-lived publicity. |
In his hearth and home, in his palace, upon his soft and comfortable bed, day and night, the flower-girls scatter flower petals; but without the Lord's Name, the body is miserable. Horses, elephants, lances, marching bands, armies, standard bearers, royal attendants and ostentatious displays - without the Lord of the Universe, these undertakings are all useless. |
In order to accomplish his duties fearlessly, a man must take the refuge of 'Truth'. |