BEFORE pointing to the faults of others, examine yourselves and assure yourselves that you are free from faults. That alone gives you the right; but the wonder is that you discover faults in others only when you have faults in you. |
Befriend him, death, and pity him, may he from here arise! Unharmed, with sound limbs, hearing perfectly, through old age carrying a hundred years, let him get enjoyment by himself (unaided)! |
Behold and Acknowledge the Glory that you have witnessed; proclaim the joy that you have experienced; confer the Grace that you have earned. |
Bring hither by thy shouts, O lord of wealth, the suitor, bend his mind towards her; turn thou the right side of every agreeable suitor towards (her)! |
But I tell you; Come to Me with empty hands. I shall fill your hands with gifts and Grace. If your hands are full, what am I to fill them with? |
By His Grace, servant Nanak has crossed over this terrifying world-ocean; I am united with my Beloved. |
By living in the company of learned souls a man acquires knowledge and becomes well cultured. |
By the Grace of the Saints, I sing the Praises of the Ocean of virtue; after countless incarnations, I have been released. |
By the Grace of the Saints, Nanak has met the Lord; his mind and body are soothed and satisfied. |
By Your Grace, I obtained this human body; grant me the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan, O Sovereign Lord King. |
By Your Will, enticed by the illusion of emotional attachment, the people are asleep; they do not wake up. |
Can you eat a meal with a single finger? When the five fingers work in unison, the stomach is filled in five minutes! So, no attachment should be developed; no wish is to be welcomed, nothing is to be sought for; and no defeat is to be taken to heart, without solving deep into the consequences. |
Carry with thy voice, O drum, lack of heart, and failure of courage among the enemies! Disagreement, dismay, and fright, do we place into the enemies, beat them down, O drum! |
Chant the Lord's Name; O my friend, chant it. Hereafter, the path is terrifying and treacherous. |
CHILDREN should grow in the awareness of the brotherhood of man and the fatherhood of God. If no provision is made for this atmosphere and this teaching, we are denying them their due. Faith in man involves Faith in God; Faith in God creates Faith in man. Without faith, man is a creature bereft of roots; and he dries and withers quickly. |