If you can't afford to buy something, don't put it on the credit card. Put them in a drawer. And pay as much as you can on them, every month. I've even advised people to get a second job. Go work for UPS for three or four months if you have to, but get them paid off. |
The fact that a girl could compete with them drove them crazy. Even some of the parents on our own team, I had to put in line. And it got worse as she got older. There were parents in the stands telling their 13-year-old sons to 'Kill the little [expletive].' It was horrible. |
This is definitely the time of year to get things started. For some people, it's a bitter message. There are things that you don't like doing. But they have to be done. |
We discovered three out of the 10 people were eligible for a 401(k) and weren't even using it at all. And we're financial planners. It's absolutely critical to have. |
We have 10 employees at firm, and we have matching 401(k) plan. We discovered three out of the 10 people were eligible for a 401k and weren't even using it at all. And we're financial planners. It's absolutely critical to have. |
We have 10 employees at my firm, and we have a matching 401(k) plan. We discovered three out of the 10 people were eligible for a 401(k) and weren't even using it at all. And we're financial planners. It's absolutely critical to have. |
We have 10 employees at my firm, and we have a matching 401(k) plan. We discovered three out of the 10 people were eligible for a 401k and weren't even using it at all. And we're financial planners. |
We have 10 employees at my firm, and we have a matching 401(k) plan. We discovered three out of the 10 people were eligible for a 401k and weren't even using it at all. And we're financial planners. It's absolutely critical to have. |