A lot of people are on holiday. Volumes aren't going to be tremendously high. |
As the cost of gasoline continues to remain high, you're going to get pressure on people's choices...and the retail numbers that we saw after Thanksgiving weren't bad, but they weren't good. |
It seems that some of the pressure is off with oil, but you'll still have to look at where we are with regards to Christmas and the retail season. |
People are still concerned with Christmas sales. We get mixed reports. We're not going to have all the final data on retail sales, but we'll have an indication of who did well. |
The last week of December and the first few weeks of January will be a clue to how the market will act next year. |
The market is just trading on a day-to-day basis, the crude prices and better manufacturing numbers are helping. When you look out longer term, three to six months, or nine months, they're going to start worrying about some of these earnings warnings coming in here. |