It's going to be a beautiful memorial, |
Let's be realistic, we cannot be a one-issue party, |
Life is very important to Americans. |
Look. See No Evil.... Hear No Evil.... and EVIL. |
My philosophy of life is when you get up the ladder you want to reach back and give someone a hand, just like someone did for you years before. They are wonderful role models and the very personification of caring. |
Neither the United States nor any other party can impose a solution, |
no more verbally incomprehensible; no more devoid of the vision thing; and no more the cautious pragmatist proudly displaying the virtues of tradition and the advantages of biological seniority. |
No words can adequately convey the sadness felt by all Americans over this act of unmitigated evil. |
Nobody's being hurt; they're expressing themselves, ... They have a right to express themselves; I watched all the television I could on Miami-Dade and I didn't see anybody being shoved around. |
Now we meet in the birthplace of American liberty to renew our social contract. We look to Governor Bush and Secretary Cheney to raise our sights, and to restore honor and civility to our public life. |
Oh, well, that's just Bill Clinton. |
Our intent will not be to create gridlock. Oh, except maybe from time to time. |
Our intent will not be to create gridlock. Oh, except maybe from time to time. |
pretext for intervention in northern Iraq by Iran and Iraq. |
private citizens say all kinds of things all the time. Next question. |