[The governor didn't pitch political reform] with his fingers crossed behind his back, ... But political reality sets in. Circumstances change, and he's very changeable. In a certain sense, that's a good thing. ... But when you're flexible, you also have to contradict what you've said before. |
free and democratic Iraq. |
He told us there were three N's of obesity. Nintendo. Netscape. And Nickelodeon. |
I don't have any specific information on the reimbursement channel for the support or the expenses it will cost to receive the evacuees. |
I think Harman should be commended for raising so much in the district. |
I would give odds that something would pass but it wouldn't shock me if they failed to agree. This is an election year, a political year, and you never know what's going to happen. |
If it passes, it's almost a resurrection for the governor. It shows he can govern again. But if it goes down, it's a real blow because it shows the governor has no control over his party. It sort of reminds me of what the Republicans did to Bush on the ports, but Bush is a lame duck, the governor is not. He's their best hope in the state for this year. |
If we are going to the spend money to be properly informed, then we need to do something about it before the project costs would increase dramatically. That would be foolish and wasteful. |
If you're just talking to rich people, you're probably not going to hear a lot about health care for the poor. But then again, they're probably not talking too much policy at these events. Most of the wealthy people who attend know the rules. They're not supposed to talk policy or ask for things. That doesn't mean they can't call up later on when they have a problem. |
It always raises questions when someone goes from one side to the other. One of the questions that comes up is, where is his loyalty? |
It's much more important to raise money to defeat (Prop. 77) than it is to raise money for their own re-election. |
It's not appropriate for City Hall to be used for private business. It seems the better part of valor would be to have Southern California Edison reimburse the city for the expense or for her to use another facility. |
New things popping up -- and something nobody thought about 30 years ago. |
Nobody is minding the store. If you don't have any agency monitoring and no enforcement, people think they can get away with it. |
That is a very Republican district. |