Inflation for August was 0.1 per cent a welcome reduction from the previous months. While increases in bus fares and oil-related increases are likely to have a negative impact in September, assuming we have no adverse weather events, food prices are likely to fall as supply increases. The trend, therefore, should be for the inflation rate to return to lower levels.This should have a positive effect on inflation expectations. |
It's important we find out who Rafal socialised with, lived with and worked with during the seven months he was in this country. |
The signing of the addendum to the MoU addresses the valid concerns of the labour movement and speaks to the resilience of the original agreement and reinforces the fact that social partnership and dialogue is possible, orderly and mutually beneficial. Indeed, members of the union movement have signalled that while a new MoU would not include a wage freeze, there are several critical matters which are better dealt with in the spirit of partnership benefiting from research not rumour, candour not deception. |