This is the age-old battle between patients, their doctors and insurance companies. |
We are concerned about this e-mail report and our investigators will follow up with BP for more information. Mechanical integrity has already been identified as an important issue in the incidents on March 23, July 28 and August 10. |
When (police) got there, all I wanted was for someone to put their arms around me. Instead, I got put in a police car. But I completely understand. They are doing their job and my job is to help them as much as possible so they can find whoever did this. |
When Friedan came to Smith in the fall of 1938 from a provincial town in Illinois, she was not very political, and her Smith education gave her the language of politics and feminism. She was definitely a feminist when she left. |
You scream, you cry. But I just basically sat with her, and I just told her, 'I love you, and you're beautiful,' |