One globe seemed all too small for the youthful Alexander. |
One man meets an infamous punishment for that crime which confers a diadem on others |
One man meets an infamous punishment for that crime which confers a diadem on others |
Our virtues are most frequently but vices disguised. |
Poverty is bitter, but it has no harder pang than that it makes men ridiculous. |
Rare is the union of beauty and purity. |
Revenge is always the weak pleasure of a little and narrow mind |
Revenge is sweet, sweeter than life itself - so say fools |
Revenge is sweet, sweeter than life itself - so say fools |
The blind envy the one-eyed |
The brief span of our poor unhappy life to its final hour is hastening on; and while we drink and call for gay wreaths, perfumes, and young girls, old age creeps upon us, unperceived |
The people that once bestowed commands, consulships, legions, and all else, now concerns itself no more, and longs eagerly for just two things - bread and circuses |
The smell of profit is clean and sweet, whatever the source. |
The traveller with empty pockets will sing in the thief 's face. |
There is hardly a case in which the dispute was not caused by a woman. |