Definitely his life expectancy is higher than an average American. |
Diet and exercise are key factors in preventing chronic diseases and delaying aging. |
If you put animals on a 30- or 40-percent calorie-restricted diet, they live 30 to 40 percent longer, and they have much less chronic disease. |
The hearts looked 10 to 15 years younger. |
These people are not genetically lucky. |
These studies strongly support the need to educate people to make sensible choices when they eat and that they need to exercise and walk more, instead of going by car everywhere. |
This is the first study to demonstrate that long-term calorie restriction with optimal nutrition has cardiac-specific effects that (delay or reverse) age-associated declines in heart function. |
This paper is important because it is the first study in humans that strongly suggests that calorie restriction may delay primary aging. |
We know people on calorie restriction will lose weight. But this study isn't a weight-loss study. We're hoping to learn more about whether calorie restriction can alter the aging process. |