22 ordspråk av George Brown

George Brown

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 They'll steal anything. It doesn't matter what it is. If your shoes aren't nailed down, they'll steal them.

 We actually saw usage increase dramatically last January, and from what we've been able to observe so far this January, we've noticed it as much if not more.

 We have a real problem here,

 We went through evaluations by the Red Cross to make sure we had adequate bathroom facilities, power and generators. They notified us last summer that they put us on their list of possible shelter locations, and this is the first time we've been called upon.

 What this is about is not the money. It's about their integrity.

 You and I are paying for these thefts. If the public thinks the market is driving up home prices, they're only partially right. It's also theft from construction sites.

 You have to be a competitive seller. You can't just put a price on something and expect buyers to pay that price anymore.

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