He does what is pre ordained for him, no one can erase his destiny. |
He has applied the whip of the Lord s Love to my body. |
He Himself acts, who else should I ask? No one else can do anything. |
He is a king, taking upon himself the office of the Moon, whose ,appearance his subjects ,greet with as great joy as men feel on seeing the full moon. |
He is my Beloved Husband Lord, the Life of the World for whom should I weep? |
He may accept from any ,man , fuel, water, roots, fruit, food offered without asking, and honey, likewise a gift ,which consists in a promise of protection. |
He may ease himself, having covered ,the ground with sticks, clods, leaves, grass, and the like, restraining his speech, ,keeping himself pure, wrapping up his body, and covering his head. |
He may either possess enough to fill a granary, or a store filling a grain jar, or he may collect what suffices for three days, or make no provision for the morrow. |
He meets his Lord and Master, the Inner knower, the Searcher of hearts, His body is ever new, and His color is ever fresh. |
He must be acquainted with the ,manner of sowing of seeds, and of the good and bad qualities of fields, and he must perfectly know all measures and weights. |
He must be acquainted with the ,proper , wages of servants, with the various languages of men, with the manner of keeping goods, and ,the rules of purchase and sale. |
He neither has father, nor mother, nor sons nor brothers. |
He prospers for a while through unrighteousness, then he gains great good fortune, next he conquers his enemies, but ,at last he perishes ,branch and root. |
He who accepts presents from an avaricious king who acts contrary to the Institutes ,of the sacred law , will go in succession to the following twenty one hells. |
He who carefully guards his wife, preserves ,the purity of his offspring, virtuous conduct, his family, himself, and his ,means of acquiring merit. |