Do you know last night in bed I could actually see myself pummeling him to death and just enjoying the sensation of each and every shot and then this morning as I pulled out of the garage ... all I wanted to do was crash into his two Ferraris. |
I am ok. He is just such an awful awful pathetic person. I just (expletive) hate him, his I am the king attitude, his value system (or lack thereof), his anger, his meanness. I JUST HATE HIM!!!! |
It's definitely an issue that could hurt their earnings outlook in the second half of the year. The industry has been trying to migrate toward more interactive products. |
Lego has done some intelligent things with licensing in the past year. But they're just catching up. |
They're certainly on the list of the top five brands in the toy industry, up in the ranks with a Barbie or Monopoly. |