China and Russia are two expanding economies and we hope by offering consumers high quality, affordable product we can take a bite out of piracy. |
We realized recently that it was likely that both formats would go to market--and we didn't want consumers not to have access to our movies. We wanted to make sure all consumers with high-definition players could watch [our] high-definition movies. |
We taught people to rent VHS, ... With DVDs, we're teaching them to buy. |
We taught people to rent VHS. With DVDs, we're teaching them to buy. |
We think there will be a format war. |
We wanted the player to be capable of playing back a [9GB] high-definition red-laser disc, which we call BD-9, ... [The disc] would have a high enough capacity for our movies, and it would have a lower cost than the [25GB] BD-25. The advantage would be lower costs to manufacture the disc, because it could be manufactured on existing [DVD production] lines. Certainly, most of our movies will fit on a BD-9. The issue will be how much enhanced content will we put on there. For basic movies, most will fit on BD-9. |