A planning study is under way that involves widening Duplex to a three-lane typical section. |
If she calls, they may very well put a sign up out there. |
It's a function of size. To get a colored boundary, a city must have more than 50,000 in population. |
So we had some people who were really caught in a mess. I-65, for quite a long stretch, was fairly disastrous. |
Specifically in the (long-range plan) we will accelerate improvements in key corridors that form the backbone of the state's transportation system, which will lead to economic development through greater mobility. |
The construction is something that people adjusted to really quickly. There has been so much coverage. People are more interested about seeing what it will look like than how it will affect their commutes. |
The reduction in the speed lessens the potential for serious rear-end crashes. |
They expect to begin working in early April. |
They will work on the inside first, moving traffic to the outside lane and making the shoulder a traffic lane. |
Upon first glance, the cost involved would be exorbitant and would be something the state could not afford. (If) the MPO came up with a creative way to source the funding then it could become a possibility. But the state could never afford this. |
We will wait for a while to allow the new speed limit to work. |