Aberdeen research revealed that a majority of enterprises cited customer data integration and quality issues as top challenges to effective customer intelligence management. According to our research, companies that exemplify Best-in-Class customer intelligence management practices reported greater than 20 percent year-over-year improvement in each of these key performance metrics: annual revenues, customer acquisition, and customer retention rates. |
For low-priced, commodity-type products, automation is the most realistic venue as profit margins dictate that companies deploy LTC (linear time code) options, which are typically voice-automated, Web self-service, or offshore. For higher-priced products or consultative services such as furniture or retail financial services, the right balance between automation and live agent becomes more complex. |
For low-priced, commodity-type products, automation is the most realistic venue as profit margins dictate that companies deploy LTC (lowest total cost of ownership) options, which are typically voice-automated, Web self-service, or offshore. For higher-priced products or consultative services such as furniture or retail financial services, the right balance between automation and live agent becomes more complex. |
Organizations are pressured to grow revenues, reduce costs, and provide higher levels of customer service in a global marketplace where purchasers have more choices and less time than ever before. Selectively investing in high-value customers empowers organizations to boost revenues, reduce operational costs, and to increase customer retention/acquisition rates. |
Organizations have spent millions capturing, analyzing and applying customer intelligence with the goal of growing revenues by increasing focus on customer-centric strategy and execution. We believe forward thinking organizations will continue to invest in select technology enablers, process development, performance measurement capabilities and services that empower them to apply customer intelligence towards better decision-making in support of more profitable growth. |
Organizations would do well to build decision trees and develop workflow processes to handle probable escalations or situations likely to occur based on previous customer interactions. |
There is more communication within smaller organizations. |
Whether [CDC is] acquiring the right companies or not, the strategy makes sense. |