Democracy is the key to our strategy throughout southeastern Europe, |
deter and defeat terrorist acts. |
determination to advance our interests around the world. |
determined to do the right thing, but in a pragmatic way. We defended human rights. |
develop a deeper sense of common purpose and a more effective strategy for achieving their future in a democratic and pluralistic Iraq. |
do everything possible to keep the economic reform rolling. |
Dr. Perry will travel to Pyongyang along with ambassador Wendy Sherman and a small delegation during the period from May 25 to May 28, ... While there, he will explore and assess in person the views of the senior North Korean officials. He will also consult with South Korean and Japanese leaders, both en route to and returning from the North Korean capital. |
Each side needs to avoid taking steps ... that embarrass the other and make negotiations more difficult, |
early, free and fair elections. |
Engagement does not mean endorsement, |
Everyone with a stake in peace must do their part. |
Failures to observe basic procedures put our nation's secrets at risk |
Fighting terror is a 24-hour-a-day job. Security cooperation must be accompanied by unilateral Palestinian action to pre-empt terror, |
First of all, there's still no guarantee the Iraqi people will accept |
For several years now, Afghanistan and Burma have been world headquarters for the heroin business, ... This past year they retained that deadly dishonor. |