For example, the prevalence of migraines is similar in boys and girls before puberty, but later the prevalence is about three times higher in women than men. |
Health care professionals and the general public should become more aware of the viral resistance trend and be cautious when prescribing and consuming antiviral medications. |
It appears that SSRI use during late pregnancy puts the baby at higher risk for development of respiratory and central nervous system side effects. |
The idea of using COX-2 inhibitors for treatment of other forms of cancer is now being tested on animals. |
The opportunity to decrease the number of doctor-office, infusion-center or hospital visits is welcome news - both for people with serious anemia and their families who have to deal with driving and waiting hours while their loved ones are getting treatments. |
This is an exciting new development. Even small improvements in decreasing disabilities in stroke survivors mean a lot to patients themselves and their families. |
This medication is not for everybody - it should be reserved for those who have first exhausted other methods for management of constipation, such as increased fiber and fluid intake, and regular exercise). I would also underscore the FDA's statement that this medication should not be used by people whose constipation is caused by other medications and diseases. |
Unfortunately, the spectrum of treatment options for depression in pregnant women is narrow, and other medicines, such as benzodiazepines, carry a Category D pregnancy risk factor with a significant confirmed risk to human fetuses. |
We have some way to go, though, before this drug will be approved for use in people with stroke. We need to learn the extent of its benefits, optimal initiation of treatment time and duration of treatment, as well as long-term side effects associated with treatment. |
When you talk about cutting prescription costs, many people think automatically about buying drugs from Canada or Mexico. |