Don't be fooled. Usually people are scared away at first, but then they wind up trickling back. It usually takes a few weeks before patterns get established. |
Fortunately, the weather did end up cooperating, and it's all systems go. |
He was not wearing winter clothes. |
If we don't have a capital bill, we are only going to be able to fund maintenance and safety issues. If we can pass the Capital Bill, we will be able to deal with the expansion of the road system. |
Obviously, this is a major activity and people try to take advantage . . . of people's desire to be employed. |
The bottom line is there will be only three lanes. |
The information IDOT has was that he was speeding and driving erratically, and that he crossed over and struck two vehicles head-on. |
The main thing driving this is definitely oil prices. It's a problem everyone in the industry is facing. It has a definite impact on the number of jobs we can accomplish on a yearly basis. |
There was no attempt by IDOT to drag this case out. |
We aim to have one lane of the express opened in August. In 2007, all the traffic will be on the center lanes. |
We believe that those roads will be able to carry some extra capacity. We're definitely urging people to use mass transit if at all possible. |
We will definitely look at it and see what can be done to improve safety at the intersection. |
We've taken that on because it's a priority for safety reasons. |