There's too much potential for a conflict in acting as an active Realtor and working in our real estate department, |
This has gone very well -- seamlessly, ... We could hold this event every other year. We would like a rhythm to this. |
This has the ability to be a community where it's all in one, |
This is a bona fide problem that needs to be solved before you start incurring any more expenses, |
This whole thing about the hurricanes has gotten somehow blown out of proportion from what the original request was, ... How it went from that to what transpired yesterday, I don't know. |
We are appearing interested in property that we haven't even looked at, ... You have to be more methodical about it or end up putting yourself in a bad negotiating position. Even if you want the property, there are many other people out there who may want it, too. |
We need a whole matrix of measurements, ... Right now, we can't say what our strengths and weaknesses are. We don't have the data. |
We, the city, have to contact these nursing homes and assisted-living facilities, (saying), `We have a copy of your plan on file. Have you implemented your plan? If not, why not?' |
When they left in the 90s, it wasn't under the best circumstances, ... When you visit a community, it's often the little things that make a difference. It all adds up to a wealth of hospitality. |