One should offer oblation to his own body and nurture it well. |
One should performed his deeds for the benefit of mankind with an unbiased approach because of bias gives birth to evil, which creates thousands of obstacles in our path. |
One should respect his motherland, his culture and his mother tongue because they are givers of happiness. |
One should strictly avoid stupid people and if one is forced to stay in their company, one should not emulate them, on the contrary one should strive to bring a change in them. |
One should, perform karma with nonchalance without expecting the benefits because sooner of later one shall definitely gets the fruits. |
One who dies today takes rebirth because of the blessings of Lord Indra. |
One who follows the path of virtuosity need not be worried about wealth as it comes to him naturally without making efforts. |
One who knows thyself perfectly is blessed with enthusiasm without which success is impossible. |
One who makes a resolution and then makes sincere efforts to realize his dreams, nothing stops him from realizing his goal. |
One who speaks ill of virtuous people is definitely doomed. |
One who talks sweet does not have an enemy and is blessed with plentiful of wealth and good fortune. |
One who talks sweet, spend all their days in happiness. |
One whose mind is pure and chaste, and who works incessantly all the desires of his heart are fulfilled. |
Only 'knowledge' can help us to know the universe, which is vast like an ocean. It enlightens everyone's minds. |
Only a good intellect can orient towards good work. |