Both did not measure up to the debt to equity requirement we specified. |
But there will be a hearing if we find out that there?s a need for them to answer these findings. |
It is very seldom that the NTC has used its power and authority to close down radio stations and TV stations, only when the situation calls for it. |
It really depends on the gravity of the offense. We will have to weigh this carefully. We have to take into consideration also public interest. This is a TV station that is one of the largest TV stations. So you have to balance all these things. |
Proclamation 1017 does not give us the power to close down broadcast outfits. Under EO 546 and in the terms and conditions we have with broadcasting firms given authorization (license to operate), we can impose sanctions including suspension of their authorization and cancellation of the authorization. In so doing, we have to follow due process, through public hearings. |
The convergence of broadcasting and telecommunications is the next problem area that we expect. |
The NTC will enforce these guidelines even on non-KBP members. If they don't accede to it, we'll still enforce it. |