You should resort to an impartial, international body and not a body 'that kills thousands people on the streets and tortures them ...The Interior Ministry'. |
You were convicted during my time and I pardoned you. What could have brought you here if it weren't for politics? |
You were up to the level that your leadership and brother and comrade Saddam Hussein had hoped you would be at ... so God rewarded you and delighted your hearts with the crown of victory. |
Your blood will not go in vain, |
Your country has reached a level that such threats will not intimidate it. |
Your title and position are illegal and illegitimate. How can you judge the president of Iraq who stood as a spear against all who plotted against Iraq? |
Zionists and Americans, I mean officials, hate Saddam Hussein. We don?t lie, the White House lies. It said there are chemical weapons in Iraq. It later said, ?We did not find anything in Iraq'. |