Insurance companies don't use race as part of their rating criteria. The Consumers Union study is a distraction from the fundamental point that insurance companies should be using data that predicts the likelihood of losses. Territory is a significant predictor. |
Insurers use several factors to develop rates that are based on a driver's risk of having a loss. This way one group of policyholders does not subsidize another group. |
It is difficult to balance those two somewhat competing goals. But on balance, these (current) regulations seem to achieve that. |
It's an uninsurable risk. The only people who would buy it are in a flood area, and it would have to carry such a high premium that it would not be practical for anyone to buy it. |
The evidence shows the reforms are cutting costs and injured workers are being treated fairly and being returned to work. We believe the system should stay the course. |
Those factors are weighed appropriately because they're a good predictor of loss. |