Chris, you've done a good job. |
He's taken on a tremendous job. |
I know people can always find detractions about a project. We have the grounds outside the senior center and we never utilize them. Everything has to start small and grow from there. |
It could be a key benefit if we get a rail station in there. |
Manchester would be hiring a very qualified town manager for their town. I think Manchester would be a perfect position for him. It's a similar town the size of Enfield; probably many of the same issues that he would be confronted with day to day. |
Scott did a fantastic job here in Enfield, was completely nonpartisan, which basically led to his downfall, which is the unfortunate part because that's what you want in a town manager. You want someone who gives you their professional opinion. I think Manchester would really reap their rewards if they hire Scott. |
Some of them are very strong. It will be interesting when we get to the interview process. |
The overall numbers were lower than anticipated. Quite a few of the candidates had to be contacted by the search firm. With that being said, quite a few of the candidates are qualified. |