I'm glad they're taking a step back. A lot of this is happening so quickly that people can't keep up with it. |
It could hinder our overall strategic growth plan by limiting our ability to handle future garbage and refuse in our area and second, it has the adverse effect of making Jasper the whole state's dumping ground. |
The court validated and verified what we in the county thought all along. I believe this is one step closer to cashing that $600 million check. This puts us one step closer to some of the biggest economic development opportunities for South Carolina. |
This is Robin Hood in reverse. These tax cap proposals favor those with the most expensive properties. We are spreading the taxes to those with some of the least expensive property. |
We're both singing off the same page. The bottom line is the State Ports Authority doesn't have the money or the capacity to invest in more terminals. Anyone who says otherwise is not dealing with reality. |