389 ordspråk av Thomas Carlyle
Thomas Carlyle
Show me the man you honor, and I will know what kind of man you are, for it shows me what your ideal of manhood is and what kind of man you long to be
Show me the man you honor, and I will know what kind of man you are.
Show me the person you honor, for I know better by that the kind of person you are. For you show me what your idea of humanity is.
Silence is as deep as eternity; speech, shallow as time.
Silence is more eloquent than words
Silence is the element in which great things fashion themselves together.
Skepticism means not intellectual doubt alone, but moral doubt.
Skepticism, as I said, is not intellectual only; it is moral also; a chronic atrophy and disease of the whole soul. A man lives by believing something; not by debating and arguing about many things. A sad case for him when all that he can manage to believe is something he can button in his pocket, and with one or the other organ eat and digest! Lower than that he will not get.
Society is founded upon cloth.
Song is the heroics of speech.
Speech is human, silence is divine, yet also brutish and dead: therefore we must learn both arts.
Speech is of time, silence is of eternity.
Speech is too often not . . . the art of concealing Thought; but of quite stifling and suspending Thought.
Stern accuracy in inquiring, bold imagination in describing, these are the cogs on which history soars or flutters and wobbles.
Talk that does not end in any kind of action is better suppressed altogether.