Certainly don't take loans out of your 401(k). Let your tax-deferred money grow as long as you can let it grow. |
Cost is a consideration but you've got a breadbasket of considerations. |
Don't leave money on the table. |
Eventually, you're going to pay those taxes. |
Go to a movie every two weeks, but don't go to some spa that costs $400 a day. |
I would try to get funds below the mean (but) ... I'll pay a little more to get a superior fund. |
Internet access is very valuable. (Participants) will see that their latest contribution has been received, that it's going where it's supposed to, and that their desires are being explicitly followed. |
Otherwise, you're leaving money on the table. That's not smart. |
Spitzer made allegations. Nothing's been proven. |
The vast majority of mutual fund companies are run in a basically ethical manner. |
They're doing well because they don't correlate to the stock market. |
You want to maintain a balanced, diversified portfolio. |
You're not going to have a diverse portfolio. You won't be able to ride the market swings. |