That's the nature of the beast of our job. How was your day? I won the race, but I broke my shoulder and had to put my horse down. |
They (WVU) do such a great job with the run game that they don't have to throw very often. They are ranked 115th in the country in the pass game, but then you see that they have a 62-percent pass completion rating and think that isn't right. |
They love to run and hit, and that's really what we've had here. |
We really didn't want to do anything to change our horse's (off-the-pace) style. We had a lot of respect for those other horses, but I don't think they had a lot of respect for us. I told Buff last year that this horse would be even better this year, and I think he is. We appreciate this horse and the style he has. |
Whatever he can give us in the game, we'd love to have. |
You don't really see Lou a lot. He stays in the background. He just likes to sit back in the background and support his son. |