Economics is the science which studies human behavior as a relationship between ends and scarce means which have alternative uses |
Economists are pessimists: they've predicted 8 of the last 3 depressions |
Economists are pessimists: they've predicted 8 of the last 3 depressions |
Economy is how to spend money without enjoying it |
Every time in this century we've lowered the tax rates across the board, on employment, on saving, investment and risk-taking in this economy, revenues went up, not down |
Every time in this century we've lowered the tax rates across the board, on employment, on saving, investment and risk-taking in this economy, revenues went up, not down |
Everything reminds Milton Friedman of the money supply. Well, everything reminds me of sex, but I keep it out of the paper. |
Henry Ford was right. A prosperous economy requires that workers be able to buy the products that they produce. This is as true in a global economy as a national one. |