Sometimes I feel like a Stepping Stone... I am that kind, young lady that offers a wanderer food 'n drink off to the side of the road -- in the middle of nowhere as they journey into the next phase of their life. I am that kind, young lady that will change a stranger's life forever, and be a burned out memory in the back of their mind... I was that lady with the sad green eyes, the kind smile... The one that offered you a helping hand and good conversation while you ate your food. |
Sometimes it takes years to really grasp what has happened to your life. |
Sometimes its the smallest decisions that can change your life forever. |
Sometimes the easiest way is the hard way. |
Sooner or later something seems to call us onto a particular path....This is what I must do, this is what I've got to have. This is who I am. |
Such is an actor's life. We must ride the waves of every film, barfing occasionally, yet maintain our dignity, even as the bulk of our Herculean efforts are keel-hauled before our very eyes. [On filming MacHale's Navy] |
Erica Jong (1942-) |
Technology is changing our lives. It cannot and will not change what is fundamental to the human condition. It will never change the way we are, or how we feel. The more technology we create, the more we seem confused, side-tracked with what we are conned into believing will improve our lives in the future. Always the future. Anything to get us off thinking about who we are right now, and how we might make our relationships more rewarding and loving. Too many times, all of that is put on hold. |
Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? |