If you paid your mortgage off, it means you probably did not manage your funds efficiently over the years, |
If you save just 2% more and retire at 67 instead of 65, it dramatically improves your retirement outlook. |
If you saw this thing and didn't know anything about us, you'd think we were better than the '72 Dolphins. |
If you take weather out of the equation, the only thing remaining is customer chose and customer reaction. |
If you think about dynasties or traditions —Oklahoma State is close to the top as far as wrestling goes. |
If you think you made a mistake or even think you might be wrong, hide it, cover it up, don't tell anyone. |
If you want to feed off the public trough, if you want to take public dollars, take them, but don't lobby. |
If you want to ignore one-third of the (electoral) votes necessary to win the presidency, you take a risk. |
If you want to roll the dice, roll with Fleet. If they screw up, they're sold. Its put up or shut up time. |
If you want to see what your friends and family think of you, die broke, and see who comes to your funeral |
If you want to see what your friends and family think of you, die broke, and see who comes to your funeral |