not comment on whether I still have an interest in General Motors or whether I will buy or sell its shares. |
Not in a world domination sense but in the sense that we have more places to play than 20 cities in Canada. |
Not much progress has been made on the negotiations on the major issues of interest and concern for Africa. |
Not only did they have that in their repertoire of information, they failed to use it, as best we can tell. |
Not only do customers feel good about saving money, but they are so glad not to be throwing something away. |
Not only is she going to have a new home, but she's going to have someplace . . . someplace to feel safe. |
Not only is this a real neat item, but it gives the staff a test run before we actually open to the public. |
not plausible unless the company has problems operating, which doesn't appear to be the case at this point. |
Not so much more speed . . . but more confidence in making that cut and taking advantage of what was there, |
Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content. |
not to give the Palestinians the opportunity to try to arrange a big party next week in the United Nations. |
Now everything is ready, and maybe better than in the past, especially now that we have the warning system. |