It only takes a little change to make a SAN not work. The problems aren't noticed until the next failure happens. |
It probably depends on how he feels. At this point, it's no use to rush him back. He has to take care of himself. |
It puts more distance between Time Warner and the horrendous deal that was made and the people who propagated it. |
It really cemented my family. Even now, my son is going to be 30 and we still go to games. It's a way to connect. |
It really feels good to be back. It was a really good feeling to be on the strip again and to practice every day. |
It really is about a whole lot of people working together that really can make a difference if you band together. |
It really took the wind out of their sails. It would have been like us losing Andy Miller last year for the year. |
It really wasn't intimidating, but I was a little nervous before the first match. It helped relieve some jitters. |
It seemed like a lot of balls rolled right off the rim. We were getting some good looks. They just wouldn't fall. |
It seemed like it stayed on 33 (points) forever. The only thing that helped us was that they didn't score either. |
It seems like it's something almost impossible to control. It's not like there's an illegal substance to control. |
It seems like there is a lot of baggage that you receive from winning that award. I'd just as soon finish second. |
It seems like when they play away from home they slow down their game. But slow or fast, we're going to be ready. |
It seems that all this in our view falls under the heading of that facetious remark no good deed goes unpunished. |