Even with Toll's proposed undertakings, significant detrimental effects on competition are still likely to arise. |
Events in the past may be roughly divided into those which probably never happened and those which do not matter. |
Events in the past may be roughly divided into those which probably never happened and those which do not matter. |
Every ball was up in the strike zone. No matter who you're facing, you're going to give up hits when you do that. |
Every day brings something new. Obviously right now, what's new is bad. We just need to change that come Tuesday. |
Every day I regret what happened at WorldCom and I accept responsibility for the false and misleading information |
Every day is a little better. I don't know what her timetable is. I'll have a little better idea in a week or so. |
Every day this week, we've had people trying to come in because they see the cars here and they think we're open. |
Every day, waking up, I feel good and have that confidence and reassurance that everything I'm doing is positive. |
Every dollar that you put onto the oil price, you're putting at least a dollar an ounce into the operating costs. |
Every game is a regular-season game, anywhere, anyplace, any time. It doesn't matter who, when, where, why, what. |
Every good newspaper is muckraking to some degree. It's part of our job. Where there's muck, we ought to rake it. |
Every mathematical discipline goes through three periods of development: the naive, the formal, and the critical. |
Every one of these guys has been in at least 10 of our shows. They've all been involved since they were freshmen. |
Every opportunity to get the players into the community is a win-win situation for the players and the community. |