Hourly earnings rose 0.4 percent, which is a pretty strong rise, and the unemployment rate fell back to 4.0 percent. |
How about the 'Renaissance economy', as companies have finally regained their competitiveness during this recovery?. |
How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings |
How can the Mayor expect people to leave their cars at home when bus and Tube tickets are spiralling out of control? |
How come there are so many murders in the African-American community? What other place can you get away with murder? |
How could you fail to take action? How could you leave him in power? Could you just hope your information was wrong? |
How do you produce the right people in the right volumes with the right skills in the right place at the right time? |
How much do the doldrums impair your ability to carry life forward? Can you get to work? Are you doing well at work? |
How often we fail to realize our good fortune in living in a country where happiness is more than a lack of tragedy. |
How quickly the gun was pulled, it didn't seem like there was rational thinking there so that's what was very scary. |
How tragic it is. How none of us would ever have seen this happening to someone that we know and that is so lovable. |
Howard Stern is a business. Sirius is paying, in essence, a license fee for what is a large and successful business. |