Maya Angelou (1928-) |
Seek assistance through patience and prayer, and most surely it is a hard thing except for the humble ones. (The Cow 2.45) |
Seek refuge in Him alone with all your heart, O Arjuna. By His grace you shall attain supreme peace and the eternal abode. |
Seldom in the course of European negotiations has so much been surrendered for so little. This is a poor deal for Britain. |
selected by Iraq's Transitional National Assembly to lead the nation's democratically elected government in over 50 years. |
Self-improvement is the name of the game, and your primary objective is to strengthen yourself, not to destroy an opponent |
Self-improvement is the name of the game, and your primary objective is to strengthen yourself, not to destroy an opponent |
Sending delegates to the convention only continues to energize our party. Fight on in the caucuses; we are on the ballots, |
Sentiment is not too positive and people are quite cautious ahead of the Federal Open Market Committee meeting on Tuesday. |
Sentiment is weak as shares continue to consolidate February gains. The trend will be somewhat like this in the near term. |
September and October were absolute low points [for mergers] ... Who thought about starting a deal on Sept. 15 or Oct. 15? |
Serving as 911 coordinator is a stressful job considering hundreds of people daily rely on the system in critical matters. |
Set your guitars and banjos on fire and before you write a song smoke a pack of whiskey and it'll all take care of itself. |