Policy guidance and macro-control should be further strengthened to promote the healthy, orderly development of the aluminum industry, |
Political poems are love poems, and then love poems can be political in this society where people can be so separated from each other. |
Political violence against women cannot be separated from political violence against the society since women are part of that society. |
Politics is the gentle art of getting votes from the poor and campaign funds from the rich by promising to protect each from the other |
Polls are a reflection of the headlines. When the news is bad, the president's numbers go down, and when the news is good, they go up, |
pose a significant and ongoing threat to millions of Americans, especially young women, men who have sex with men and people of color. |
Positive surprises are still possible in areas such as banking. Major banks have largely eliminated their non-performing loan problem. |
Potholes form every winter and especially when we have exposed pavement. It could happen again until we get in and pave in the spring. |
Practicing medicine without seeing the patient is still a dangerous thing. From the doctor's point of view, it's not standard of care. |
Praising the Sandinistas while criticizing the Soviets is like loving kittens and deploring cats. Actually it's not such a nice kitty. |
Preliminary reports also reveal that a combination of alcohol and driver inattention may have been a contributing factor to the crash. |
Presumption should never make us neglect that which appears easy to us, nor despair make us lose courage at the sight of difficulties. |
Pretty big-time night a year ago. This is the way it is right now. But this game was no more important last year than it is right now. |