Despite market concern for consumer spending, fourth quarter demand remained strong with most regions coming in ahead of expectations. |
Despite the Board's failure to approve the budget, management will continue to operate within the parameters of the draft 2006 budget. |
Despite the enormous interest, those applying in the remaining two days do have a realistic chance of getting a FIFA World Cup ticket. |
Despite the fact that there is limited time left, ... we still expect that our contract will be resolved well before midnight tonight. |
Despite the fantastically busy first two shopping days after Christmas, normality seems to have returned with shopper numbers falling. |
Despite the sea of bad news lately in sector-wide demand, we see key progress at Oracle with its long-troubled 11i applications suite. |
devastated by the ravage of terror and the terror of human smuggling, drug smuggling, kidnapping, murder, and destruction of property. |
Dianne doesn't really have an obvious New Orleans connection. But she's very familiar with the repertoire, and she wanted to help out. |
did her a favor this last week by bringing up her religion as part of the reason why she should be considered positively as a nominee. |
Die by your own sword. Live by your principles. ... If you forget what's important to you, you'll be like a cork bobbing on the ocean. |
Digital delivery hasn't arrived until the major studios allow home ownership, and now they have and now digital delivery is very real. |
Digital was a company founded and run by engineers whose philosophy was, if the product is good, people will beat a path to your door. |
Discount stores are doing very well, and home-oriented retailers are doing very well. But most of the others are dragging their heels. |
Discovery is in absolutely great shape. I'm pretty confident about the entry (into the atmosphere) and I'm thinking about the landing. |