Simply put, if the demand for additional international service existed in this area, the airlines would have recognized it and filled the demand. |
Since 1997, we have been trying to show the direct correlation between those who traffic in child pornography and those who actually molest kids, |
Since each participating team receives 17.5 percent of the Super Bowl tickets, both Seattle and Pittsburgh are the prime spots to locate tickets. |
Since I moved here, it's been just about bringing my (grade-point average) up. If I can get my grades up and focus, maybe I can get into college. |
Since our voluntary reporting of the problem, the Chicago Sun-Times has been committed to make fair and equitable restitution to our advertisers. |
Since UB313 is decidedly larger than Pluto, it is now increasingly hard to justify calling Pluto a planet if UB313 is not also given this status. |
Singapore, with its superior geographical and economic infrastructure, is primed to be the hub of a new, revolutionary form of travel _ in space. |
Sinn Fein has productively taken the example of South Africa and, as we develop the peace process, we continue to use examples from South Africa. |
Sit around the bars, talked to people, ate in the restaurants, and chatted with the old ladies on the street. Fishermen are pretty much that way. |
Situation is really serious. The concerned authorities should take a observation of the whole matter as to several observations by the judiciary. |
Six bags of saline, ... That's how long it took my body to unlock, for my muscles to relax. I thought that weight trainer was going to get fired. |
Six months ago, we really hadn't heard much about this kind of problem, but now we are seeing reports of these cases, and it concerns us greatly. |
So David stayed his servants with these words, and suffered them not to rise against Saul. But Saul rose up out of the cave, and went on his way. |
So far everyone's been really receptive to it and having a good time with it. I enjoy working with the guys on the court and we'll go from there. |