You take something away from them after this catastrophic comes through and tears away their living as they're used to, and now all of a sudden, you give them back something? You give them a little bit of hope, and just a little bit of something is better than a lot of nothing. |
You want to avoid flipping the unit. You want someone to live there for a certain minimum amount of time. On the flip side of that is, after you fulfill your obligation, you may be transferred to another school. You may get married and move. People's lives take different turns. |
You'd like to say something happened, this remarkable thing in the locker room, but what happened is our seniors stepped up. What turned us around was our players. We didn't make that many adjustments that made a difference. Our kids just played a lot better in the second half. |
You're going to have a huge audience in Thompson-Boling (Arena), plus national television coverage. It's a big game, and yet a lot of people say, 'Is the rivalry still what it used to be?' I don't think it's going to be any different. Both teams are going to be excited to play. |
Tiger Woods (1975-) |
You've got a lot of young guys in there that haven't been in the sport that long, and they're climbing in these cars with all this safety equipment, and they don't remember when they didn't have headrests and things like that. So to them, there's no way you could ever get hurt. |
You've got to sit back and take it in and understand there's a reason why he is the way he is. All the good ones seem to be that way. It might be harsh, it might not be the best thing to take as a player, but all in all, these coaches, their best interest is for you to succeed. |