We do appreciate this kind of success, and it means more to us than a Grammy or an MTV Award. It means the people who buy your records have given (the award) to you. Though it's nice to be recognized with industry awards, the fact that people are buying the albums still means so much. |
We do not feel changes need to be made in the PSC. Furthermore, we believe the position of attorney general should be elected in a non-partisan manner, just like Kentucky's judges, so that partisan politics do not overwhelm decision-making in thinly veiled attempts to advance careers. |
We don't adjust for state differences in cost of living. Taking that into account, you would have to say that Arkansas is putting the money behind the quality. And when you see that they have done that at the same time they've doubled the enrollment, that is an impressive achievement. |
We don't expect any substantial changes. However, if any changes are going to be made, customers will be notified, ... We think long and hard before increasing anyone's rate. We strive to be the low-cost provider and we want to be a part of your community, not just a service provider. |
We don't have any problem with it in…the school district could start on it as soon as possible. If they do come here, we will move the opening of our business to make it safer for traffic because we have 18-wheelers coming through there and we wouldn't want it to affect bus traffic. |
We don't know yet how many from the Gulf Coast hurricane region will be coming to Sonoma County. We're in discussions with the Department of Emergency Services to discuss how Sonoma County can best meet the needs of the people who will be arriving over the next days, weeks and months. |
We don't mind being a little bit lower and a little underestimated. It presents a different challenge. It motivates us to step up. Our backs are against the wall right now. We want people to think we aren't as good as last year that way we can come out and show them who we really are. |
We don't try to pretend that we're doing this just out of the goodness of our hearts to protect Wal-Mart workers. And this isn't just about protecting taxpayers. It's also about protecting good union jobs in the retail sector that are disappearing because of Wal-Mart's business model. |
We don't want people to say, 'Oh, 13,000 resumes, why should I submit mine?' We need that to continue. Even if it's in an area where you maybe don't exactly have all the qualifications, if you think you're close, absolutely submit it because we certainly welcome all resumes right now. |
We dug ourselves a hole and we just kept fighting back. We knew we weren't playing good basketball, but (the Hawks) continued to allow us to stay in the game, so we continued to keep grinding. In the fourth quarter, guys started hitting the shots they were missing earlier in the game. |
We encourage our clients to take 10 percent of their income, no matter how much they make, and invest it ... treating it like a utility bill. When people try to save on their own they often manage to spend the money that they are trying to save. If you put it aside you can't spend it. |
We executed our game plan almost to perfection. It was a nice win for us. But most importantly, we played with intensity for a full game. In recent contests, we've had patches where we lost focus and the opposition took advantage of it. Tonight, we didn't have any lapses in intensity. |
We feel positive about our many growth opportunities and our cost reduction initiatives outlined in January. We also have already begun to see the benefits from our lean manufacturing initiatives and have experienced a broad base of support for these efforts throughout our operations. |
We feel strongly that there is a lack of political will in Syria towards its commitments to Iraq. Regrettably, the bulk of foreign fighters and terrorists are infiltrating from Syria, and the Syrian government has not demonstrated any serious cooperation to help us stop their transit. |
We finally beat these guys up here. We had never been ahead by any margin like that after alternate shot and it would have been hard for a team to come back from such a dominating lead. I think we had a particularly strong team this year and matched up well. Our guys all played great. |