This decision is a victory for free speech on the Internet. The Internet provides unique opportunities for ordinary citizens to speak to a world-wide audience on matters of public concern. Trademark law must not be used to inhibit the freedom of speech in this powerful and important medium. |
This entire family is going to suffer. There's a one year old girl that will never really know her mother, or her aunt. They've got to live with that for the rest of their lives. So why should that person be put to death, and his worries will be over. Let him sit there and suffer in prison. |
This Internet resource has been invaluable to investors. It allows the investing public instant access, without additional charge, to information about their money managers. Now there is even better news: we can, for the next year at least, eliminate the annual adviser fees that go with it, |
This is a doctrinal problem of understanding ... what do the MPs do, what do the military intelligence guys do, how do they come together in the right way. And this doctrinal issue has got to be fixed if we're ever going to get our intelligence right to fight this war and defeat this enemy. |
This is a good spot to evaluate these horses to see if any deserve to go back east. Bob saw something he liked when Sinister Minister broke his maiden so they bought a piece of him but he didn't like getting dirt in his face in his last race. I would imagine he'd be on the lead on Saturday. |
This is a great victory for personal privacy rights; our cell phones reveal an enormous amount about us and can reveal everywhere we go, who we associate with and even what we believe in many ways. The government should need to get probable cause before being able to track that information. |
This is a missed opportunity to learn from consumers, to allow employees to be the first line of credible offense for corporate initiatives, to reach out to stakeholders such as NGOs and to co-create the brand story and corporate reputation with informed and passionate on-line participants. |
This is a positive trend that can continue indefinitely, but the price is that we have to pay attention and reward accountability. The new mantra for health care purchasers needs to be, 'show us your data.' Why trust your family's health to an organization that operates behind closed doors? |
This is a process, not an event. It's not going to happen over night. It's clear that we as African American men are unique and only we can articulate what it's like to attend a private college. But all of us would also agree that it was worth it, that we are successful today because of it. |
This is a start of a new year for me and I feel fresh, which is the most important thing for me, and that is showing in the scores. I did everything quite well today and didn't make many mistakes. Just one major mistake and bogeyed that hole. But overall drove it well and hit my irons well. |
This is going to be a positive year for the market, but the growth is going to be slow. The quick resolution to the Iraq war has been a positive and I think people took a lot of encouragement from that, which is why you've seen the run we've had, but the economic news has been mostly mixed. |
This is great news for north-central Washington - really for the whole state. This is the breakthrough we've been working toward in our campaign to attract information technology companies to the area. Yahoo! is a huge first step and we hope their presence here will attract more investment. |
This is just one step closer to reality, ... Now they've taken it a step further by specifying the services they are going to offer. It's nice that it sort of puts meat on the bones for .NET, but it's still at the vaporware stage. The bulk of the suite is still far from beta (test version). |
This is not a court system, not a sheriff's system. This is a single criminal system, where all the pieces work together. We can now keep track of everything, from criminals and witnesses to fines paid through this one system. It's a fantastic tool for us, and it's only going to get better. |