This has to be the toughest sectional in the state. If people want to see great Class A basketball, this is the place to be. I believe the field is wide-open. Any one of the four could win it. ... But I like our chances, playing on our home court and the fact that we're jelling as a team right now. |
This is a hands-on event that's geared toward beginners and intermediate fly fishers. People at this show can catch bugs in the ponds and streams. They can get an expert to identify the bugs, then show them how to tie a fly that mimics that insect. They can then go out and catch a fish on that fly. |
This is not a 'You-go-Hillary' show, this is a 'You-go-girl' show. I just want to see women in the process, whether they be Democrats or Republicans or independents. If there's any social agenda to the show, it's to be enthusiastic about the idea of a woman president - and an independent president. |
This is quite common with Carry on films. It's not too bad if you're out of camera; you can stuff a handkerchief. But in front of the camera its often terribly difficult not to react, because the scenes are so funny. If one person starts twitching at the mouth it can be enough to set everybody off. |
This is really just in addition to the service that we already offer online. People want to shop online but may not have a computer and find that the cost of getting one can be quite prohibitive. Therefore we are trying to provide access to the service over things like the Pocket PC and digital TV. |
This is still technology that does require a certain capacity to self-troubleshoot, ... The switching cost could just be the technical aspect of doing the setup, and often you have to switch your e-mail address. These are people who are older, less educated and less adept to go through the process. |
This is the most advanced data network available. This is the first time we have extended MPLS beyond our borders. We could connect via Qwest before, but we could not extend our in-region MPLS outside. We want to be the premier data services provider for our customers and this allows us to do that. |
This issue is extremely complicated and cannot be resolved unless all parties -- the medical community, the regulatory agencies, the drug development and research communities, and patient advocates -- are willing to work together creatively and constructively to address the needs of dying patients. |
This level of investment makes Pinnacle a major force in the renewal of downtown St. Louis, and it will further strengthen our market position. After examining the growth of the market and the status of the completion, we've decided to build a facility that is significant in both scope and quality. |
This logo embodies our current focus. We said from the beginning that traditional scorecards are out the window as far as Tulane athletics is concerned this year. This is our goal, to get back in the game, to persevere and to accomplish this mission of representing our university and our community. |
This was a combination of both bad weather and the timing of when Easter fell, so it made the earlier period look better and this period look worse. When you wash [these effects] out, you essentially get the signal that consumption is not going like gangbusters, but at least it's reasonably strong. |
This was a disappointing loss, no question. We did not do enough things that make us successful. We did some things that look good, but we did not play the way we need to play to be successful. It was too much of a poke and go hockey game. Now we have to come back tomorrow and get back to our game. |
This workshop is important because most people are inexperienced and do the best they don't know how to do. The workshops would also be great for students concerned about loved ones, students studying to become health care professionals, as we will be addressing the more humanistic aspects of care. |
This year we have not done a thorough enough job going through the budget to look for reductions. A 7 percent increase is too much for the increasingly stressed taxpayers in this town to handle. With less money, I believe that we would still be able to sustain the high quality schools that we have. |