It is pretty neat. Many people think that the only places that can manage money are in big cities. We've shown … that a firm in Charlottesville can take them all on. |
It will be interesting to see how what they announce compares to the CDP for Files software that IBM announced a couple of weeks ago. They'll all be in the same space, starting out at the lower-end server space and moving up. |
It will be interesting to see how what they announce compares to the CDP for Files software that IBM announced last month. They'll all be in the same space, starting out at the desktop, lower-end server space and moving up. |
It's 2005. We have the drugs to treat HIV, and good science shows that condoms and clean needles for injection-drug users can prevent it. But these tools are being withheld due to spending cuts, treaties blocking generic drugs and federally funded programs teaching abstinence-only. Our leaders are taking us backward as HIV rates increase. They must change course. |
It's getting ridiculously expensive to insure directors and officers. |
It's mainly window dressing, ... In a huge organization, it won't make much of a difference. |
Juno is not really trying to get out of the business, but certainly cutting back on what the company offers, and now AT&T has announced their '7/7' plan, which offers unlimited access for $7 per month, |
Juno is not really trying to get out of the business, but certainly cutting back on what the company offers, and now AT&T has announced their '7/7' plan, which offers unlimited access for $7 per month. |
Lagging sales may be due, at least in part, to many or even most users having all the computing power they need. |
Linux gave [these companies] a greater sense of choice. We saw some limited concern over Linux fracturing, but it was a minor issue at best. |
Microsoft, through the proliferation of Windows, has been the conventional vendor that most of those businesses turn to. Microsoft has done pretty well at it. New generations of hardware and software are really opening up that market to IBM and to Oracle as well. |
One way to entice people away from solutions they've used is to go to market with a good quality product. You also create a low-cost or no-cost system that people can experiment with. More importantly, you offer a platform that offers very low entry-level expenses for developers to start playing with. |
Over time it could help bring the prices of drives down more so than we've seen up until now. It's really interesting to see those two get together after so long. At the same time, it's probably evidence of a coup de grace on the whole concept of disk drives becoming commodity products. |
Part of the initial enrollment, one of the steps taken is every single person coming in is offered an opportunity to vote. |
People running companies with $10 million or $15 million or $30 million in sales, while they are probably pillars of the communities and very successful, the businesses they're running don't have the scale to attract the attention of a company doing $5 billion in revenue. |